
Main Infrastructure

  • MS teams : Join our MS our teams channel to get updates from us, Q&A, and talk to your peers.
  • Canvas : We will not use it from now on for content, but for the sake of completeness. However, you will still find your calendar there and we may use it from time to time to send out mass-mails to you all.
  • Datacamp : Get access to all the Datacamp premium content for free to facilitate your data science journey. Use your CBS mail here when signing up.

Adittional Infrastructure used

  • Github Provides internet hosting for software development and version control using Git. It offers the distributed version control and source code management (SCM) functionality of Git, plus its own features. It is also commonly used to host open-source projects, including data science projects. If you do not have it already, you are advice to create an account to manage and showcase your work during this semester. A brief introduction into the main functionalists can be found here.