Exercise 1 - EDA withDigital Nomads

This is not an assignment, just a voluntary exercise for you to test if you grasp the concepts in the corresponding topics. It does not have to be handed in anywhere


You are given 2 datasets from https://nomadlist.com - A community page for remote workers worldwide. Further, you are provided with a countries list, a dataset containing information on countries, regions and countrycodes.

  • Trips data: holds ~46k individual trips of travelers on the platform. https://sds-aau.github.io/SDS-master/M1/data/trips.csv
  • People data: contains some personal information on 4k travelers. https://sds-aau.github.io/SDS-master/M1/data/people.csv
  • Country data: Holds countrycodes, contrynames and region-associations. https://sds-aau.github.io/SDS-master/M1/data/countrylist.csv


  1. Preprocessing a. Trips: transform dates into timestamps (note: in Python, you will have to coerce errors for faulty dates) b. Calculate trip duration in days (you can use loops, list comprehensions or map-lambda-functions (python) to create a column that holds the numerical value of the day. You can also use the datetime package.) c. Filter extreme (fake?) observations for durations as well as dates - start and end (trips that last 234565 days / are in the 17th or 23rd century) The minimum duration of a trip is 1 day! Hint: use percentiles/quantiles to set boundaries for extreme values - between 1 and 97, calculate and store the boundaries before subsetting. Rhint: Use percent_rank(as.numeric(variable)) to create percentiles
    d. Join the countrylist data to the trips data-frame using the countrycode as a key e. [Only for python users ] Set DateTime index as the start date of a trip

  2. People a. How many people have a least a “High School” diploma? Hint: For this calculation remove missing value-rows or fill with “False”. b. How many “Startup Founders” have attained a “Master’s Degree”? Bonus: compared to people who don’t have a formal higher education (e.g. by using the “False” occurrences)? c. Who is the person with a Master’s Degree that has the highest number of followers? Bonus: Explore the individual further, what else can you find out?

  3. Trips a. Which country received the highest number of trips? – And which the lowest? b. Which region received the highest number of trips in 2017? Use the start of trips as a time reference. c. Which country in “Western Europe” did travelers spent least time? – Provide visualization d. Do nomad Startup Founders tend to have shorter or longer trips on average?
