Day 1 - Predicting Sequences with Neural Nets

Practical info

Place: DHØ 1.23 Time: 8:15 (we start 15 min later) - 13:20

We will be looking at LSTMs and financial forecasting. There will be also space for you to pitch assignment ideas and receive feedback.

Schedule for the day

8:15-9:15Recap ANN
9:30-11:00LSTM stock prediction
11:10-12:00Assignment Idea Pitch
12:30-13:20LSTM stock prediction

Context and Data

We will start the day with a quick recap of the AirBnb assignment. After that we will look at how LSTMs can be used to predict sequences (financial data). We will pull data from Yahoo Finance using data-libraries rather than hosted files. If you want to work with “more professional” data, you will have to get it on your own.

1. Build a baseline LSTM

Build an LSTM net that predicts closing price changes 1 day ahead

2. Extend to multi-step

Build an LSTM net that looks n timesteps back to predict the next period

3. Extend to multi-step and multi-feature

Build an LSTM that uses several inputs (e.g. other stocks or TA features)