

Here you can find tutorials and presentations compiled by our students…

AI in the workplace - Spoke the help bot

A short article about how the AI help bot, “Spoke", can be used in workplace and hereby the HR department in a company. Sources: askspoke.com - 21 Ways AI Is Transforming the Workplace in 2019

Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah (ANNOY)

What is ANNOY ANNOY (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah) is a C++ library with Python bindings to search for points in space that are close to a given query point eg.

Deconvolution and Image Segmentation

Group members: Johannes Hoseth, Sergiu Ropota, Katharina Granberg Deconvolution - A Way Of Increasing Output Size Within the field of computer vision, a well-known and multi-faceted area is segmentation, i.e. identifying and classifying objects in an image, via classes.

Image classification with ResNet50

Doing cool things with data doesn't always need to be difficult. By using ResNet-50 you don't have to start from scratch when it comes to building a classifier model and make a prediction based on it.


Introduction LipNet is a neural network architecture for lipreading, it differs from earlier research within the field, because it maps whole sentences instead of detecting individual words or phoneme’s classification [1] (“A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound in a word that makes a difference in its pronunciation, as well as its meaning, from another word”[2]).